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Welcome to Ash-meditation, home of meditation, wisdom, and personal transformation.

Mission:  To empower you to cultivate inner harmony, vitality, and spiritual growth through the transformative power of meditation, energy healing and dialogue.

We are here to support and guide you on your journey of spiritual growth and personal transformation.  We offer meditation sessions, workshops, energy healing and spiritual counsel & coaching, all of which are all intended to help you go beyond the confines of your current experience of life, to transformation deeply ingrained conditioned behaviour patterns, and to ultimately realise your highest potential.

"Through the transformative practice of meditation, you'll discover a harmonious flow in the unfolding of your life's journey.

It's my heartfelt wish that your personal meditation journey leads you to uncover life's abundant treasures, filled with profound peace, boundless happiness, and enduring love."


What to Expect

Meditation holds various meanings for different individuals. For some, it serves as a pathway to inner peace and tranquility, while others utilise it to enhance their physical, mental, or emotional well-being.  Many also view meditation as a catalyst for personal growth, leading to higher states of consciousness and spiritual connection.

At Ash Meditation, we perceive meditation primarily as a tool for facilitating positive inner change, often at the level of the mind, awareness, or consciousness. Central to this process is the practice of slowing down the mind, particularly our thoughts. As you intentionally cultivate a more positive thought pattern, you'll witness transformative shifts in your outlook and life, often in profound ways.

We offer a diverse range of meditation practices drawn from various traditions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Zen, and Tibetan schools of thought. These practices serve as supportive tools in your meditation journey and personal transformation, empowering you to navigate your inner landscape with clarity and ease.

Some Benefits

Some commonly experienced benefits reported by participants, and underpinned by a growing body of scientific research, include:

Benefits of meditation

Stress Reduction

Meditation has been shown to activate the body's relaxation response, leading to reduced levels of stress hormones like cortisol. Regular practice can help individuals better manage stress and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.

Meditation can help boost cognitive skills

Meditation has been linked to improvements in cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and executive function. By training the mind to focus and maintain attention, meditation can enhance cognitive skills over time.

Cognitive Skills Boost

Meditation can help with anxiety

Anxiety Control

Meditation practices, particularly mindfulness, can help individuals cultivate a non-judgmental awareness of their thoughts and feelings. This awareness can reduce anxiety by breaking the cycle of rumination and promoting a sense of acceptance and equanimity.


Ash has a very calming and kind presence.  Didn't feel overwhelming as a beginner.  Left feeling centred after a mad day.


Advanced Practices

As you continue your meditation journey into more advanced and longer practice, you will start to experience your true nature or  conscious awareness, devoid of all the labels and roles that we are ascribed.  By transcending increasingly subtle layers of old conditioning and patterns of behaviour, you will start to access higher states of conscious awareness and may experience even more profound changes in your outlook and your life. 


While many of the meditation practices we use, do stem from philosophies or religious movements, the content and practices that we provide are not associated with any particular religion or philosophy, but used merely as tools for the practice of meditation. 


Why Ash-meditation

We differ to other meditation providers as we realise that one size doesn’t always fit all. As such, we provide you with a wide range of different meditation techniques as opposed to only using one style of meditation practice.  By using and experiencing different meditation styles, you are more likely to find a practice that suits you, or you may wish to continue using a combination of different practices to advance your personal growth and transformation journey.


Meditation-Based Workshops

At Ash Meditation, we offer a variety of workshops designed to deepen your meditation practice, cultivate self-awareness, and promote holistic well-being. Led by Ash or another experienced meditation teacher(s), our workshops provide opportunities for learning, growth, and self-discovery in a supportive and nurturing environment.


Why Attend Our Workshops:

  • Expert Guidance: Our workshops are led by experienced meditation teachers and practitioners who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise with others.

  • Safe and Supportive Environment: We provide a safe and supportive space for exploration, learning, and growth, where you can feel comfortable expressing yourself and asking questions.

  • Transformative Experience: Our workshops offer opportunities for personal transformation and empowerment, helping you develop skills and insights that can enhance every aspect of your life.


Ready to Deepen Your Practice?

Join us for one of our meditation-based workshops and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment with Ash Meditation. Whether you're new to meditation or seeking to deepen your practice, our workshops offer valuable tools and techniques to support your journey toward greater well-being and inner peace.

Spiritual Counsel & Coaching

At Ash Meditation, we offer personalised spiritual counsel and coaching service to support you on your journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. Ash is an experienced spiritual guide and coach who will provide compassionate guidance, wisdom, and practical tools to help you navigate life's challenges, deepen your spiritual connection, and unlock your true potential.


Individualised Support: Our spiritual counsel and coaching sessions are tailored to your unique needs, goals, and circumstances. Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or empowerment, our practitioners offer personalised guidance and support to help you achieve your desired outcomes.


Holistic approach: Our holistic approach will address the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit and may incorporate a variety of techniques and modalities, including mindfulness meditation practices, energy healing, and intuitive guidance.


Emotional Healing: Our service is provided a safe and nurturing space for emotional healing and transformation. Whether you're dealing with past trauma, grief, or relationship issues, we'll support you in processing and releasing emotions, cultivating self-awareness, and fostering inner resilience.


Spiritual Exploration: We offer opportunities for spiritual exploration and growth, helping you connect with your inner wisdom, intuition, and higher self. Through guided meditation, reflection, and exploration of spiritual principles, you'll deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you.


Empowerment and Self-Discovery: Our ultimate goal is to empower you to live authentically and joyfully, embracing your inherent worth and potential. Whether you're seeking to overcome obstacles, clarify your purpose, or step into your power, we'll provide the tools and support you need to create positive change in your life.


Ready to Begin Your Journey?

Schedule a spiritual counsel and coaching session today and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment with Ash Meditation. We look forward to supporting you on your path to greater joy, fulfilment, and spiritual awakening.

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